GRADUATE RECOGNITION || If you are a high school senior or college graduate, we would like to recognize you in a video. To be featured CLICK HERE AND SUBMIT YOUR INFO. The deadline to …
Sunday Morning Service
Join us this Sunday Morning for worship and a message from God's Word through Pastor Sandy.
High School Survivor Day
HIGH SCHOOL SURVIVOR DAY || High Schoolers! Stay after 2nd service April 18th for Survivor Day at the church! We will play team-based competition games, eat lunch, and put your skills to …
The Seven Last Sayings of Jesus on the Cross
SEVEN LAST SAYINGS || Starting Sunday night, March 28th at 9pm, and then each night leading up to Easter Sunday, we will be broadcasting on all of our streaming platforms (@calvarycsm) a …
Annual Church Business Meeting
CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING || Once a year we meet to update our fellowship on the business and finances of our church. We go over our financial statement and talk about leadership. This year …
Spring Forward!
SPRING FORWARD | Remember to set your clocks FORWARD one hour this Saturday night. We'll see you at one of our morning services at 8:15am, 10am, or 11:45am!
High School Life-Size Clue Game Day
HIGH SCHOOL LIFE-SIZE CLUE GAME DAY || High Schoolers! Join us after 3rd service on Sunday, February 21st, to play a Life-Size version of the classic game, "Clue"! Bring $5 for lunch and …
Ladies Bible Study (1 Peter or Genesis 1-11: Jen Wilkin) – Friday Meeting Again Soon!
LADIES BIBLE STUDY (1 PETER or GENESIS 1-11: Jen Wilkin) || Ladies Bible study times are meeting this week as follows: 1 Peter Meeting Time: Fridays @ 9:45am: There will …
Men’s Discipleship Night – Meeting Again Soon!
MEN'S DISCIPLESHIP NIGHTS || Our Men’s Discipleship Night will NOT be meeting this Thursday night, but we will be meeting again next Thursday, February 18th! This group is designed for …
Ladies Bible Study (1 Peter or Genesis 1-11: Jen Wilkin)
LADIES BIBLE STUDY (1 PETER or GENESIS 1-11: Jen Wilkin) || Ladies Bible studies are all meeting this week in the locations and times below: 1 Peter Meeting Time: Fridays …
Sunday Morning Service – GS
Join us this Sunday Morning for worship and a message from the Lord.
The After’s Formal Christmas Party
THE AFTER'S FORMAL CHRISTMAS PARTY || The After is a group for young adults looking to plug into a great community of others in the same season of life. Our formal Christmas party is …