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Sunday Services

9:15 AM & 11:15 AM

Men’s Ministry

Leader: Pastor James Chapman | [email protected]

Our goal is to help men grow into strong leaders: at home, at work, and in the body of Christ. We believe that strong male leadership is vital for the success of the family, the church, and the community. We seek to accomplish this goal by building healthy relationships among Christian brothers in an environment centered around growing in our knowledge of God’s Word.

During the year we offer activities, retreats, Bible studies and discipleship groups that work together to accomplish our goal. We invite you to become a part of this important ministry!

Core Men’s Ministry Events

Men’s Discipleship Nights – We as men need to support one another in Christ. We offer discipleship nights for the men of our church on most Thursday nights. As iron sharpens iron, we aim to sharpen one another’s walk with Christ. If you would like more information, please see Pastor James.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast – We meet once a month at the church for breakfast and prayer. We pray for the needs in our families, our community, and our world. The food and fellowship is also great!

Upcoming Events

Single Adults Ministry

SAM is a group for single adults in their 30s, 40s and 50s. We meet on alternating Tuesdays each month. In February, we meet on Tuesday the 11th and Tuesday the 25th. Contact the church …

OFC Men's Group

OFC is an informal morning fellowship for men meeting on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 AM in the Brook (contact John Borger for more details). We discuss family, share humor, review local, …

Men's Discipleship Group

Men, our discipleship group is in full swing! If you haven’t signed up and bought your book, it’s not too late. The cost is $15 or you can sign up at the Information Counter. The book …
