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Sunday Services

9:15 AM & 11:15 AM

Women’s Ministry

Leader: Kathy Adams | [email protected]

The goal of our women’s ministry is to fulfill Paul’s prayer for the Colossians, found in Colossians 1:9-11. “For this reason… be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”

We provide women with many diverse and unique opportunities to grow in their relationship with God. Bible study groups provide a means to focus on the Word of God. Periodically, a Ladies Night Out is scheduled to gather as a whole, giving the ladies a chance to have an evening of food, fellowship, worship and a Bible study from a woman’s perspective.

Upcoming Events

Single Adults Ministry

SAM, our Single Adults Ministry for "thirty-something to fifty-somethings" meets on Tuesday, November 5 + November 19 at 6:30 PM in the Calvary Cabin. For more details contact the leaders …

Ladies Christmas Event

CLICK HERE to Register Now for our annual Women's Christmas Outreach taking place on Sunday, December 8 at 7 PM. Join us for a night of Christmas music, a message by Jenny Houston and Alli …
