LADIES | Next Saturday morning during the Men's Prayer Breakfast - we are going to meet at Stone Mountain Park to walk & pray! If you'd like to come with us please email Susan Fisher @ …
Gender, Sexuality, & God
There is so much confusion in today's society regarding gender and sexuality. Often, individual preferences are given more weight than biological realities. It seems that no one has stopped …
Ladies’ Bible Study Kickoff
LADIES | At 6 PM, Sunday, August 20 at the church, the ladies will be beginning a new series this Fall. There will be 2 options for this study: One option will be working through the Bible …
Muscle Up Wednesday NOT MEETING
NO MUSCLE UP WEDNESDAY THIS WEEK. We will meet again next Wednesday, April 10th!
Middle School Fireworks
MIDDLE SCHOOL | Come out to the church this Sunday at 7:30 - 10:30 PM for a fireworks show! The cost is $5 and snacks will be provided. Drop off & pick up will be at CCSM.
Ladies’ Table Talk
LADIES | Join us Monday, June 19 at 6:30 PM at Kathy Adams' home for a time of fellowship and desserts! For address please call the church office or visit the info counter on Sunday …
Easter Weekend At Calvary Chapel
EASTER WEEKEND AT CALVARY CHAPEL || April 7th is Good Friday, and we are having service that night at 7:30pm. Join us for an extended time of worship, a special message from Pastor Sandy, …
High School Summer Retreat
HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER YOUTH RETREAT || What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? How do I live life with Him? What actually matters to God? These are questions all believers ask at some …
Youth Super Bowl Parties
MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL | Both youth groups are having their own Super Bowl parties. Middle school is meeting from 6-10 PM at Pastor Matt's. High school is meeting at 6 PM at Pastor …
Enjoying Marriage
MARRIED COUPLES | Come out to the church for a time to celebrate and enjoy your marriage. Meal provided. Cost is $20 per couple. Please RSVP and pay at the Information Counter ahead of …
Christmas Services
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year, so we will be having two identical services, one on Christmas Eve at 7:00 PM and another on Christmas Day at 11:15 AM. We hope to see you here for one …
Middle School Laser Quest
MIDDLE SCHOOL | LIGHT is going to Laser Quest Friday, October 19, at 6:00 - 9:30 PM. The cost is $20 (includes dinner). Drop-off/pick-up @ CCSM.