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Sunday Services

9:15 AM & 11:15 AM

Middle School

Leader: Pastor Matt Houston | [email protected]

LIGHT is the middle school youth ministry of Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain. As the next generation of believers, we are dedicated to learning God’s Word, developing deep friendships, and bringing the LIGHT of Jesus to the world around us in our everyday lives.

We meet Sundays during our 11:15 AM service, most Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 7:30 PM, and then for other special events throughout the month! Find us on social media @ccsmlight to stay connected!

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Upcoming Events

Rooted Middle School Group

Middle School group meets on Wednesday Nights at the church from 6:00 - 7:30 PM. For more info about our Middle School Ministry, check out this page, or reach out to Pastor Matt Houston, or …
