LADIES BIBLE STUDY || Ladies – join us for our new Bible study: Chase: Chasing After the Heart of God. Our Wednesday study meets this week, October 7th @ 6pm, in the Calvary Cabin (led by Stacy Chapman) — while our next Friday morning study will NOT meet this week due to school holidays; we will meet again October 16th @ 9:45am, in the Brook (led by Polly Williams, Jenny Houston, and Kathy Adams). Friday mornings include childcare. Sign up at the Information Counter. Cost is $20.
Chase: Chasing After the Heart of God by Jennie Allen is a women’s Bible study. God is invisible. Yet He is the only thing we can chase that won’t leave us feeling empty. God has carved out a space in each of us that only He can fill. So whether you are running from God or working your tail off to please Him, David’s journey will challenge your view of God. Chase explores the events that defined David’s life and the Psalms that flowed out of those experiences. Through David’s example we’ll discover what God really wants from us. The lessons in this study are simple yet deep and very interactive, offering Bible study, stories, and projects to dig into Scripture and deeply engage the minds and hearts or participants.