Ladies, our Winter Ladies Bible Study starts THIS week. We’ll be meeting here at the church on Fridays at 9:30 AM (Starting Jan. 10). These sessions will be hosted by Jenny Houston & Polly Williams and childcare will be provided. We have PLENTY of other home group options including Mondays at 7 PM, Thursdays at 7 PM, and Saturdays at 10 AM. These home groups are filling up quickly, so sign up quickly! We will be going through a 7-week study on Esther from Kelly Minter. Although our time today looks different from Esther’s, our God is just as active and faithful, and He has called you for such a time as this. The Cost is $25, and you will receive your book on the first night. There are multiple study options to choose from, sign up today at this link, call the church office, or at the info counter!