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Sunday Services

9:15 AM & 11:15 AM

Men’s Discipleship Group

Our next Men’s Discipleship Group will begin Thursday, October 17.  It will be a 5-week study in the Book of Titus.  We will be reading the book, The Titus Ten by Josh Smith.  We will meet at CalvaryCSM in the Sanctuary at 7 PM.  There is also a morning group available to those who would rather meet early. That group will be led by Christian Powers and will meet at 7 AM at the Chick-fil-a on Highway 29 in Lilburn.  The cost is $15 and you can sign up this morning at the Information Counter.  The book will be available to you once you sign up.  Please read the first two chapters of the book before our first meeting. For more information about our Men’s Ministry, check out this page, or talk to Pastor James Chapman
